InjureFree Blog / Athletic Trainer

Beyond The Game - The Cost Efficiency of Athletic Trainers

Beyond The Game - The Cost Efficiency of Athletic Trainers

Athletic Trainers (ATs) are highly trained professionals required to complete between 800-900 clinical hours during their studies to get their degree. ATs must be knowledgeable in everything from preseason physicals to emergency care, injury treatment and diagnosis, clinical exams, th …

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The Age of Virtual Athletic Trainers

The Age of Virtual Athletic Trainers

Benefits of Athletic Trainers

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Technology Friday: InjureFree's Virtual Athletic Trainer

Technology Friday: InjureFree's Virtual Athletic Trainer

Athletic trainers are the unsung heroes of sports, ensuring the safety and well-being of athletes. However, they aren't always accessible when injuries occur. Enter Virtual Athletic Trainers, a modern solution bridging the gap between athletes and immediate care. InjureFree's Virtual …

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Technology Fridays "Unveiling the Power of Data in Youth Athlete Development"

Data collection in sports

In the dynamic world of sports, every edge counts. As the pursuit of excellence intensifies, coaches, parents, and athletes turn to technology to gain insights and enhance performance. In this era of innovation, data collection emerges as a game-changer, offering invaluable insights i …

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Technology Fridays "Unlocking the Future of Youth Baseball: Exploring New Technologies"

Technology Fridays "Unlocking the Future of Youth Baseball: Exploring New Technologies"

As the world progresses into the digital age, every aspect of our lives is being touched by technology, including sports. In the realm of youth baseball, technology is revolutionizing the way players train, coaches strategize, and teams compete. In this blog post, we'll delve into the …

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The Impact of Athletic Trainers on Reducing Medical Claims and Costs

The Impact of Athletic Trainers on Reducing Medical Claims and Costs

The benefits of Athletic Trainers (ATs) extend beyond injury prevention and actually provide significant cost savings. AT services can help support the reduction of medical payments and utilizations, but what does this mean exactly for athletes? By simply employing ATs in schools, the …

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Technology Fridays "Paving the Way to a Safer Sporting Future: The Role of Technology in Injury Prevention!"

Technology Friday soccer image

Sports have always been about pushing the boundaries of human capability. From sprinting faster to jumping higher, athletes continually strive for excellence. However, the inherent risk of injury comes with the pursuit of greatness. Fortunately, in today's era, technology is revolutio …

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Technology Fridays "Harnessing the Power of Big Data in Sports Science and Analytics"

Technology Fridays "Harnessing the Power of Big Data in Sports Science and Analytics"

In the ever-evolving landscape of sports science and analytics, big data integration has emerged as a game-changer. From optimizing athlete performance to refining coaching strategies, utilizing big data sets has revolutionized how we understand and approach sports. This blog post del …

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Access to Athletic Trainers Based on Geographic Location

Athletic trainer and hurt football player.

The Problem - No ATs means increased risk! As we well know, athletic trainers (ATs) are highly trained healthcare professionals who provide care for physically active people. Many ATs work with athletes on sports teams and their extensive education and training allow them to provide i …

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National Youth Sports Specialization Awareness Week - Recommendations to Avoid Specialization-Related Injuries

National Youth Sports Specialization Awareness Week - Recommendations to Avoid Specialization-Related Injuries

This week is National Youth Sports Specialization Awareness Week! You might wonder, “What does that mean exactly and how does it affect me?” Early sports specialization is defined as “intense year-round training in a specific sport with the exclusion of other sports at a young age.” I …

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