Managing crucial components of injury management can be a complicated process. These elements include Return-to-Play clearance, practice or game day injuries, and more. Coaches and Athletic Trainers typically complete a paper injury report form and then, best practice is to file and store the form appropriately. However, in the day and age of advancing technology, this process can seem antiquated. Injury Management from InjureFree brings this process to the digital age by automating the processes and reporting, bringing access to data.
Did you know that injuries in youth sports are often underreported? A recent study revealed that more than 50% of high school athlete’s concussions went unreported. Reporting athlete injuries not only prevents further injuries but it also allows for early injury intervention, fulfills coach and organization’s legal responsibilities and promotes education and awareness.
With Injure Free’s Injury Management service, this old-fashioned paper process becomes digital, which means easy and accessible data and reports. Injury Management also includes our Return-to-Play protocol process to help ensure that athletes aren’t back in play before they're fully recovered and approved by a medical professional.
Injury reporting is one of the most important aspects of youth sports safety. It protects the athlete from future injury, protects the organization from liability, and educates athletes, coaches, and parents about the importance of recognizing and addressing injuries promptly.
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